The Hightower Baptist Association is a group of local churches in Forsyth, Dawson, Cherokee, Gwinnett, and Fulton Counties who work and worship together with a common goal of reaching our communities for Christ. In 2007, several members saw a need in the community to minister to physical as well as spiritual needs, and they began the Hightower Association Food and Clothing Bank (HAFCB). They started out in a very small building in northwest Forsyth County. As the mission continued to grow and God continued to bless the efforts, the HAFCB outgrew its small location. After much prayer and financial backing from the members of the Association churches, we were able to purchase our permanent home at 8630 Wallace Tatum Road in Cumming, Georgia.
Our current facility is 20,000 square feet and houses our check-in and bookkeeping area, 14 Minister Stations, and clothing, household, and food distribution areas. Each week many volunteers work to sort donations, organize and update distribution areas and ready the facility for our monthly distribution day. On the 2nd Saturday of each month, individuals from our churches and many others from the community come together to comprise a team of about 150 volunteers to serve the 350-600 families that come in for help.
We accept all volunteers! Please come serve with us anytime.